【作者】 汪伟;
【Author】 Wang Wei
【机构】 重庆市文物考古所;
【摘要】 明代由于葬俗葬制的演变和社会风气的改变,使得考古发现中的壁画墓相较于宋元时期大大减少。通过结合历史文献,对重庆永川区凌阁堂墓地发现的明代壁画墓所反映的独特丧葬礼俗与宗教信仰以及明代儒释道三教合流的民间化进行分析,论证了墓葬主人为明代湖广移民或其后裔。 更多还原
【Abstract】 The archaeological discoveries in the tomb murals reduced greatly in comparison to the Yuan Dynasty as a result of the burial system evolution and social change at Ming Dynasty. In this paper, the unique burial customs and religious beliefs, as well as the confluence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism will be Explained in combination with the historical documents which also demonstrate that the tomb owner was immigrant from Huguang province. 更多还原